Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Andy Pettite Drinking Game

Since Andy Pettite will be a member of the Yankees again this season, with games to be called by the YES Network and Tim McCarver on FOX all season, it's time to repost the Andy Pettite Drinking Game rules...

Rule #1)  Whenever the announcers begin to talk about Andy's pick-off move to first base, drink.  Stop when they shut up about it for 10 seconds straight.

Rule #2)  Every time the word "balk" is spoken, set aside a beer to be drank before the end of the game. You will have a headache tomorrow.

Rule #3) If Andy picks off the runner at first, do two shots.   You will be sick tomorrow.

Rule #4) If Andy actually out of work tomorrow.

37 Days till opening day!